Once again, a year has passed and when we now sum up 2023, we can look back on a year where we operate in a continued troubled environment and where many people are affected by the recession we are in. At the same time, we can look back on an exciting year for Tempcon as we have received many new businesses, developed the relationship with existing customers and continued work on consolidating operations for better profitability and greater customer benefit.
2024 is still a blank slate, but what we know for sure is that Tempcon will continue its journey towards becoming a leader in the Nordics in terms of temperature-controlled logistics solutions. 2024 will also be a year where sustainability issues are high on the agenda and where we will continue with commitment to develop our services together with our customers, which creates credibility and long-term for our collaborations.
2024 is also the year of the Green Tree Dragon according to the Chinese calendar. Born under the sign of luck, the Dragon has every opportunity to achieve success while being intelligent and determined. Good qualities, if you believe them, for years to come.
With this, we would like to wish all our customers, employees, suppliers and other partners a very Happy New Year.