Tempcon reduces its environmental impact by developing, offering and conducting haulage with the least possible environmental impact. We measure and monitor our emissions in order to further reduce them. We work in energy-efficient terminals and invest in solar cells to provide and consume renewable energy.
Tempcon is an attractive employer that cares about the health and safety of its employees. We work to achieve an equal-opportunities workplace and a sustainable supply chain.
Tempcon strives to achieve sound, long-term financial development by streamlining operations and offering high quality. We have zero tolerance for corruption and work actively to promote sound business ethics.
Tempcon works constantly toward acquiring a fossil-free vehicle fleet and to streamline haulage flows through route optimisation, groupage, load consolidation and economical driving. Together with our customers, we’re picking up the pace in our work toward completely fossil-free haulage.
With its large warehouses and terminals with chiller and refrigeration plants, Tempcon consumes a lot of electricity and district heating. We work proactively to reduce our energy consumption. Thanks to their large roofs that are well suited for solar panels, several of Tempcon’s subsidiaries have invested in solar panel installations, and we’re proud that we’re able to generate a large proportion of the electricity we consume.
Our haulage must always take place safely and reliably, and our aim is to avoid any kind of accident. We work with preventive road safety to engender credibility and consensus among our employees, customers and the general public.
Tempcon Group requires all of its suppliers, i.e. all companies that do business with any company within the Group, to adhere to the same ethical principles. To this end, Tempcon has drawn up a Code of Conduct for suppliers and subcontractors, setting out the minimum standards for doing business with any of the Group’s companies.
Tempcon must haul goods carefully and in accordance with the requirements and instructions of our customers and in compliance with the regulations issued by the authorities. We must make every effort to provide services that exceed customer expectations.
Tempcon has zero tolerance for corruption. To make certain of this, joint guidelines in the form of a Code of Conduct, business policies and a personnel manual have been implemented throughout the Group and are regularly updated.
It is the duty of every employee to work constantly to improve our quality control to safeguard Tempcon’s position as a leading business partner in temperature[1]controlled logistics. The Group and its subsidiaries are certified under management systems for quality (ISO 9001), the environment (ISO 14001), road safety (ISO 39001) and food safety (ISO 22000). We also work according to the principles of ISO 26000 (social responsibility) and ISO 27001 (information security).