Last week you found out why our symbol in the logo looks like it does and the connection between what can be experienced as a t but also as the number one. In addition, one has a strong connection to our values which are Commitment (in Swedish Engagemang), Credibility (in Swedish Trovärdighet) and Together (in Swedish Tillsammans). The first letter of each word in Swedish forms the word ETT, which means ONE in English. But what do we mean by these values.
We will seek solutions and act according to sound values. In every situation that may arise, we must show our commitment and take any consequences of our shortcomings. We know that everything can be improved and developed further when we work together. We therefore engage each other in decisions and do our utmost to find solutions that involve continuous improvement.
We must have a correct and professional behavior in all situations, as well as good and reliable systems with good routines so that our customers can at all costs trust that we keep what se promised. We must ensure that we have a competent, well-trained and committed staff. We do this through to continuously develop the staff. In the group, we know that our success depends on the diversity and competence of our knowledgeable employees.
Our corporate culture must be based in collaboration where we connect our respective companies´ and employees´ different knowledge, experiences and tasks to a strong unit. We will always strive to collaborate internally and with customers in order to grow together and work for openness regarding each others expectations.