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Tempcon encourages reporting of misconduct

Tempcon is committed to an open corporate culture with high business ethics. We encourage and value the reporting of misconduct to ensure a healthy and transparent operation. Our employees, customers, and suppliers are our most important sources of information about any deficiencies that need to be addressed. 

To facilitate reporting, we have an external whistleblower channel. Through this channel, one can safely and confidentially report irregularities such as bribery, corruption, serious safety breaches, discriminatory treatment, harassment, and the like. In 2023, we received 12 cases through the whistleblower channel. Of these, 92% were not about the aforementioned serious issues, but rather traffic incidents and problems with goods delivery. In these cases, the issue is handled as a deviation within the respective Tempconcompany. 

We take all reported cases seriously and investigate them thoroughly. Each case is handled confidentially, and we protect the anonymity of whistleblowers. Reporting misconduct is an important part of creating a positive and responsible work environment. At Tempcon, we are grateful for every tip we receive that can help us improve our performance. 

To report an irregularity: 

Visit our external whistleblower channel: https://tempcongroup.whistlelink.com/ 

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